Can I Weatherproof my Dome Shelter?


Can I weatherproof my dome shelter?

Your dome shelter is there to protect your equipment, goods and workers from the elements. Therefore, it is crucial to weatherproof your shelter. Openings in your shelter can allow rain and wind inside, which could cause damage to your goods and equipment and affect the productivity and safety of your employees.

Unfortunately, many dome shelters are fairly basic, which makes them vulnerable to harsh weather conditions and open to exposure. You can weatherproof your shelter in various ways for maximum protection. Most shelters only have a roof, but adding an engineer-designed endwall or door system enhances weather resistance, ensuring a safe and pleasant environment.

Here’s how you can weatherproof your shelter and enjoy the benefits of extra protection:

Full endwall systems

Versatile for various shelter types, full endwall systems enclose one end entirely. These fixtures consist of polyethylene fabric, the same as the shelter, stretched over a sturdy steel framework. Designed to withstand high wind pressures because of their expansive flat surface, these endwalls are securely fixed and do not have entry or exit points.


Partial endwall systems

Partial endwall systems are self-supported and are designed to partially enclose one end of a shelter to the top of the containers. As they are a fixture, they are not easily removed and generally they are placed in the arch of the shelter to fill it in, while leaving the underside open. Containers or portable buildings can be placed in this gap to form a “courtyard” area. Partial endwall systems provide a degree of weatherproofing while allowing easy access.


Doorway endwall systems

Suitable for most shelters, these are like full endwall systems but include a doorway openings for easy access. These openings can either be left open, or doors can be fitted. These systems, similar to a full endwall, use polyethylene fabric stretched over a supporting framework and are specifically engineered to withstand high wind pressures



For the best possible weatherproofing, it’s advisable to have doors fitted to doorway endwall systems. There are a few options available, depending on the width of the doorway.

  • Bifold doors are multi-section doors that fold back to the sides, guided and supported by a top track system and are mostly used for wider doorways.
  • Barn doors are single or double doors made in one piece and hinged off the sides. Sliding bolt locks hold them in position, primarily for doorways ranging up to 5 or 6 meters wide.
  • Roller Doors for secure storage and easy to access shelters. These are metal clad doors that roll up into a compact unit above the door opening.


There are plenty of options available if you want a bit of extra weatherproofing in your shelters. No matter your operational needs our team will be able assist you with your weather protection needs.

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